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EYFS Curriculum outlining the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning

We are reading ...

This half- term Nursery will be exploring 2 new books linked to their learning. "What The Ladybird Heard" by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks and "Cows Go Boo!" by Steve Webb and Fred Blunt. 

In Reception, the 2 books they will be reading and exploring this half-term are: "Tad" by Benji Davies and "Oliver's Vegetables" by Vivian French and Alison Bartlett.

Look what we have been doing ...

Warrington Library and Museum Trip

What a lovely day we had on our trip! The children behaved exceptionally well and represented our school beautifully.  The children visited the museum, read and listened to stories at the library and found out about the history of Warrington by taking a walk-through Queen's gardens, looking at historical buildings and on to the town hall to see the Golden Gates and Bank Park. A great day and a day to remember!

Christmas Craft Workshop

We had a lovely morning at our Christmas Craft Workshop. It was really lovely to have so many parents and grandparents come and join us.

Baking Bread with 'The Little Red Hen' 

The children have been reading the story, 'The Little Red Hen'. This week the children helped the 'Little Red Hen' make some bread. They used the recipe to measure the ingredients, looking very closely at the numbers. They helped to mix the ingredients together, knead the dough and watched the dough rise and double in size. They made balls of dough and watched the 'Little Red Hen' put them in the oven. Finally, the bread was ready to eat...it was delicious! 

Nursery Rhyme Week 2023

The children in Reception enjoyed taking part in Nursery Rhyme Week. The children were encouraged to take part in the 'Rhyme a Day' challenge by singing the nursery rhymes and completing different activities linked to the rhymes. The 5 rhymes that the children sang this week were: Jack and Jill; Hickory Dickory Dock, Row Row Row Your Boat; Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and The Wheels On The Bus. We've had a very busy week!

European Day of Languages

We had such a lovely day celebrating European Day of Languages. We started the day by talking about our chosen countries and practised saying hello in lots of different languages. We then discussed how there are some children in Nursery and Reception who speak or listen to another language when they are at home. To celebrate this, we listened to songs that we all know but in the children’s home languages. We also listened to a Peppa Pig episode in Polish and Hungarian! It was amazing to see the children's faces light up when they recognised their language! 

Look what we have been doing in nursery ...

Nursery Harvest Topic - Harvest Vegetable Soup

To lock our Harvest topic the children used everything they have learnt about farming and harvest time to make some Harvest Vegetable Soup.. we read a recipe by using the pictures for clues. This told us what we needed to do. It was lovely because the children were amazed that they were ‘reading’. We then took it in turns to prepare the vegetables by peeling, cutting them and putting them into a bowl. We chopped carrots, potatoes, onions, leeks, parsnips and swede. Our soup was ready at snack time so we had it with some bread with our snack. Everyone tried some soup, whether that was eating it all with bread, having a little taste or even having a smell. We were so proud of the children for using their senses and trying something new. Some children even had second helpings they loved it so much. The children then discussed that harvest was a special time to say thank you to the farmers and their hard work.

Poetry Basket

Every two weeks, we will be looking at a new poem from poetry basket. The poems are fun and interactive and will help your child:
-learn new vocabulary
-encourage them to listen carefully and join in with the actions
-support your child to recognise rhyme and rhythm
-encourage your child to experiment with sounds and language to create their own poems and stories
-develop skills for writing their own poems and stories

Over the last two weeks, the children have been learning the poem, 'Five Little Pumpkins' and have been great at saying the poem with lots of expression! 

Below, are a few children reciting the poem out loud.

Poetry Basket Reception.mp4

Information for Parents

Please have a look at our Nursery and Reception guides to the EYFS framework below:

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