Special Days in School 2023 - 2024
Christian Values Day - Wednesday 20th September 2023
On 20th September we had our ‘Christian Values day’. Each year group were given their own Christian Value to focus on and were asked to create a piece of art work for our hall. Children focused on the value friendship, creativity, thankfulness, trust, responsibility and humility - they also had to consider how their chosen value linked to our core Christian Values of love, community and service.
Monday 2nd October 2023 - Harvest Celebration

On Monday 2nd October we had a whole school Harvest service where we celebrated harvest, giving thanks and gratitude. We also took the opportunity to ask for donations from our families to support Warrington food bank.
Special Days in School 2022 - 2023
Christian Values Day - Wednesday 21st September 2022
On this day, children were able to spend time thinking about the Christian Values that are so important to our school.
Each year group chose one of our values to focus on, the children also created stunning art work for our school hall to represent the Christian Values of Justice, Peace, Patience, Forgiveness, Compassion and Respect.
European Day of Languages - Monday 26th September 2022
On Monday 26th September we celebrated European Day of Languages. Children and staff came to school dressed in the colours of a flag from a European country of their choice. The children could confidently tell us which flag they were representing and could also give us some facts about their country too! It was a great opportunity to raise awareness about language learning and learn about the linguistic diversity across school. We are very lucky to have many children in our school who can speak another language and it gave them the opportunity to celebrate this with their class. Some classes also had a welsh lesson from Miss Poxon and did a fantastic job at singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Welsh!
World Faith Day - Wednesday 14th December
Hanukkah - The Jewish Festival of Lights
On this day we learnt about the Jewish Festival of Hanukah. We were told the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabees. We took part in different activities. Some of us learned about the dreidel game, we created our own dreidels using 3D nets and then had a go at playing the game itself. Other children made collages and pictures of the Menorah whilst others tried to rewrite the story of Hanukkah.

World Faith Day - Tuesday 18th April
Vaisakhi - a celebration of spring harvest
On Tuesday 18th April, we celebrated World Faith Day. Across school, each phase and Key Stage learnt more about Sikhism by focusing on Vaisakhi which took place on April 14th. On Tuesday 18th April, we celebrated World Faith Day. Across school, each phase and Key Stage learnt more about Sikhism by focusing on Vaisakhi which took place on April 14th. Children took part in various activities such as creating their own Golden Temples, learning traditional Punjabi dances, children learnt about the origins of the festival and sequenced the Vaisakhi story whilst others made kites to fly as part of the Sikh tradition.