Welcome to St Elphin's CE Primary School
We give you a very warm welcome to St Elphin's Church of England V.A Primary School.
At St Elphin's, we are an aspirational school with high expectations, firmly rooted in Christian Values. These Values underpin and drive all of our learning and attitudes, making school such a positive, happy and purposeful place to be.
We are all on a learning journey together; discovering, nurturing and growing each person's talents, strengths and skills.
Our staff team is passionate and determined to inspire every child to develop a love of learning and life; encouraging and supporting them to understand their role as responsible citizens with a positive contribution to make.
Our children are truly amazing and very proud of their school. We work in close partnership with home, the Church and the community in order to give the children a strong support network in which to flourish. St Elphin's is a very special place where we happily learn, care, serve and share together, in faith.
Mrs Williams
Executive Headteacher
Whole School Newsletters
Working Collaboratively
Our school has been working for a number of years within a group of nine schools supporting school improvement.
To preserve the quality of education and opportunity for our pupils and staff, we are looking to develop a new multi-academy trust together.
Over the coming weeks we will be sharing our plans with our communities, including gaining your views and how you can contribute to our school’s future.
Y6 SATS Presentation
Thank you to all who attended our SAT's meeting on the on 27th February, we hope you found it useful and any questions or worries are now resolved. Below is a copy of the presentation slides that were used during the meeting.